The umd department of transportation services (dots) provides a full range of parking and transportation services to a diverse community of more than 50,000 students, faculty and staff in the city of college park. Dots provides transportation to metropark, nj; Cherry hill, nj and port authority, ny for winter break. Buses will leave campus on tuesday, december 18 at 2:00 p. m. From cole activities building and return to campus on sunday, january 27. Students may cancel their parking registration at any time by contacting transportation@umd. edu. When canceling, please include your name and uid, as well as a message stating your intent to cancel your parking registration. The department of transportation services (dots) will be closed on wednesday, june 19, to celebrate juneteenth. Transportation@umd. edu part of the division of student affairs web accessability note: Documents in portable document format (pdf) require adobe acrobat reader 5. 0 or higher to view, download adobe acrobat reader.
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