Macon funeral home provides the very highest levels of empathetic, personalized funeral service to families in franklin, nc. Leave a message of condolence and support while browsing through obituaries for current and past services held at macon funeral home. A funeral service was held at 10:30 a. m. Monday, june 14, in the chapel of macon funeral home. Burial was in the woodlawn cemetery. Macon funeral home has provided compassionate, personalized funeral service excellence to families for close to 30 years. Funeral service will be held at 2:00 p. m. Wednesday, april 27 in the chapel of macon funeral home. Mike chastain and rev. Wiley gibson will officiate. Burial will be in woodlawn cemetery. Macon funeral home provides the very highest levels of empathetic, personalized funeral service to families in franklin, nc. Macon funeral home provides the very highest levels of empathetic, personalized funeral service to families in franklin, nc.
Burial will be in woodlawn cemetery. Macon funeral home provides the very highest levels of empathetic, personalized funeral service to families in franklin, nc. Macon funeral home provides the very highest levels of empathetic, personalized funeral service to families in franklin, nc.
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